Nov 30, 2009

"Points To Ponder"

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,

When the road you are taking seems all uphill,

When the time is suddenly stirring swiftly,

When you feel helpless and you are struggling,

For the best to come out of which you are hoping,

When care and laziness is pressing you down uncontrolling,

Rest for a while, but do not quit!

What would it be liked to win a Nobel Prize?

It is a sudden called,happen to myself on one bright day when I was attending the Biochemistry lecture last semester...

we are discussing about the topic and issues on DNA

my lecturer said:

"when Francis (Francis crick-nobel prize winner on DNA double helix) moved to England to study more and complete his research on the DNA structure with Watson (James Watson) he was about 19 year old at that time"....

Dr Fuziah continue:

"He was so aeger to find the real stucture of DNA, later this brought him to meet one lady who is very professional in extracting the crystallograpic x ray on the DNA in vitro sample, she was Rosalind Franklin"

"Rosalind argued that the first model suggested by both Watson and Crick was totaly wrong...from the crystallographic sample that she has taken it showed that the structure of DNA supposed to be in helical form where the phosphate group is the backbone of the DNA itself.."

"later, Watson started to realize that Rosalind idea was true all along..two of them renewed the model, making the base inward and complement to each other in the opposite manner...however it was too late at that time for Rosalind to see the right structure constructed by the two of them, she moved to USA and died there because of cancer..."

"few more year after renewed the model, both Watson and Crick was announced as the winner of Nobel Prize in Molecular Biology on their suggested structure on DNA double helix"

"it was the crucial years to complete their research...because during that time there was a competition between labs to solved the mystery behind the structure on DNA..and among the lab, it is Watson and Crick lab in Cambridge..."

then after telling us the story behind the finding of DNA stucture we continue our lecture as usual...

but 5 minutes before end of class....Dr Fuziah told us..

"I want to see my student in the highest peak of glory, I want to see u landed on the top of the world, I want u to walk barefoot and come back home with shoes, the shoes that nobody can't wear except you, I want u to fight in the name of Islam, go and discover this world, what were in the scientist and let us embrace back the golden era of muslim science that was left 1000 of years ago...and last but not least I WANT TO SEE  YOUR NAME AS THE NOBEL PRIZE WINNER"


menyentuh perasaan habis....
silenced fill the air in few moment...
speachless, amaze, proud that were on our mind...
and lepas daripada tu....semua asyik cakap pasal Nobel Prize.

then again I started to think, what would it be like to win a Nobel Prize?

Nov 29, 2009

The Me

Let me make it simples, a closer look about who am I

  • name : Nurul Damia Bt Mohamad Sofian
  • age : 21 years old
  • dob : 23 January 1988
  • pob : Pusat Rawatan Islam Jalan Ipoh (PUSRAWI)
  • institute : IIUM Kuantan Campus
  • course : Biomedical Sc
  • siblings : 5 (I am the eldest)
  • food : Soups
  • drink : Milk
  • hobby : Games
  • sport : recently addicted to Paintball
  • anime : Bleach
  • movie : Resident Evil
  • music : "Everybody Changing" by Keane
  • colors : black, white, red, brown, green and blue
I am simple at most time, however at some certain extent I can be critical and unpredictable. I can be crazy over a thing and behave normal over many things, Insyallah it's all depend on the circumstances

I hope to seek more friends from all around the globe, we can share and discuss on many things, exchange ideas, thoughts and view and execute our plans on anythings.

Last but not least,
Let's have each other =)